Woo hoo, your spot has been reserved for the

 Soul Magic Live Coaching Experience

on Thursday, Oct. 7th at 12pm ET/ 9am PT 

(or convert for your time zone)

What To Do Next:

  1. 1
    Your special Zoom link is zipping over to your email inbox as we speak. Be sure to go to your email inbox now and look for an email from Lauren Lapointe (it might be hidden in promotions, junk, or any of the extra folders.) Mark this as "safe" so that you won't miss any details about the live event!
  2. 2
    Mark Thursday, Oct. 7th at 12pm ET/ 9am PT on your calendar and set an alarm on your phone 
  3. 3
    Be sure to have a way to take notes at the event. There will be several journal prompts and exercises and you'll probably get lots of ideas and inspiration.
  4. 4
    Come and say "hi" on Instagram at @LaurenLapointeCoach and join the free Facebook Group, Soulful Biz Magic for Coaches here

While You Wait:

You're invited to the free Masterclass, 3 Steps to Become a Soul Magic Certified Coach (and turn your gifts and talents into a wildly successful coaching business) here

See you soon!


Questions? Email Lauren@LaurenLapointeCoaching.com

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