Soul Client
Get fully-booked with soul-aligned clients in 90 days, increase your impact and income, and take your coaching business to the next level.
Are you ready to fill your coaching business with clients who light up your soul?
But don't want to spend all your time hustling on social media or doing uncomfortable marketing that doesn't feel like you?
You started your coaching business with a desire to do meaningful work that helps others and makes a positive difference in the world.
You dream of coaching clients online while getting to work from anywhere you like, whether it be a beach in an exotic land or your favorite kitchen table, and making your own hours so you can have a healthy work and life balance.
You're excited about being your own boss with a successful business where you get paid well for your gifts and expertise and are known for the work that you do.
There's just one problem...where are the clients???
You know that in order to have a successful coaching business, you need to have clients.
And not just the occasional client here and there -- but a consistent flow of clients every month so you can increase your income and grow your business.
Does Any of This Sound Like You?
You've gone online, set up your social media profiles and posted some content. Whether you've gotten a great response or crickets, it's still not generating enough clients and you can't imagine spending hours and hours online every day trying to "hook" someone into getting on a call with you. Ick.
You're not sure what you're supposed to do online to attract clients and this lack of clear direction is keeping you from moving forward.
When you get on a discovery call with a potential client you keep hearing, "I can't afford it" or "I need to think about" and never hear from them again.
The online space feels noisy and you wish there was a simple, clearcut way to promote your coaching that doesn't require you to be constantly plugged in all day (and night) long.
You're still not completely certain about your coaching niche, offer, or pricing and have moments of doubt or imposter syndrome where you wonder why someone would want to hire you as a coach.
You still feel like you're holding back and not putting yourself and your coaching out there or being as visible as you could and you'd love to find a way to comfortably be yourself online, shine your light, and promote your coaching with confidence.
It feels like the more things you try, the more discouraged you get. You see other coaches having success and you're wondering what you're missing because you're ready for success, too.
Your inspired dream is quickly turning into overwhelm-itis with ALL of the info and shiny objects out there (not to mention the tech) and you feel like a deer caught in the headlights, not sure what to focus on next, and know that this is keeping you from taking action and making progress with your coaching business.
You'd love to get back to the SOUL of your coaching business and the reason you started it, have genuine connections with people who are looking for the unique help that you offer, and do the coaching work you feel called to do.
You know that it's time to stop struggling, start thriving, and do your soul-aligned coaching work so you can help others in a meaningful way and build the business of your dreams.
If this sounds familiar, I get it!
I remember six years ago, as a new coach, having that late night, sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that maybe this coaching thing wasn't going to work out for me after all.
I was working SO hard, taking all the courses and programs and trying ALL the things.
While I had the occasional client here and there, it was always stressful wondering where the next one was going to come from. I felt like I was always hustling, offering discounts, and even changing my offers by the week and still hearing, "It sounds great but I just can't afford it."
I'm so glad I didn't give up...
Here's What I Learned:
I wasn't focusing on the right things that would help me attract clients and grow my business
I didn't need to be a social media star or have a large audience (thank goodness because I could never quite crack the code to being consistent)
I didn't need to do ALL the things on my to-do list first before signing up clients (I actually didn't need to do 99% of them)
I didn't need to dazzle, impress anyone online, or worry about proving myself, having enough credibility, or being something I wasn't
All I had to do was shift my focus to connecting with and attracting my soul clients.
And one of the best way to attract my soul clients was to stop being in busy mode, focusing on the wrong things, and instead focus on a few key pieces that kept my business simple, streamlined, and clear.
Here's What That Looked Like:
Creating offers that were wildly exciting to me and spoke to the hearts of my soul clients
Setting up a simple marketing strategy that attracted clients right away, that I could put on repeat, and kept me from the constant hustle and stress of being online all the time
Shifting from the feeling that I had to chase clients, prove myself, and do forced marketing to being myself and shining my own light so that my soul clients could respond
Recognizing that all of the strategies and tactics could only work if I went back to the foundations of my business, like my niche and offer, and made sure they were clear and aligned with myself and my soul clients
Setting the intention to keep my business soulful, aligned, and fueled with inspiration so that I could show up at my very best and attract soul clients from this place.
When I Made These Shifts:
I fell back in love with my business and started attracting soul clients easily because I felt confident, inspired, and excited rather than stressed, desperate, or overwhelmed.
My simple marketing strategy allowed me to 10X my income almost overnight and I was able to go from signing up one client at a time to attracting multiple clients, filling my programs, and being able to expand to group programs, online courses, and masterminds.
I was able to do all of this by working fewer hours, having a schedule that matched the life I wanted, and enjoying a healthier work and life balance.
Would you like to get the clarity, confidence, and strategies to attract your soul clients, fill your programs with ease, and grow your business in a way that feels aligned, inspired, and like YOU?
How Would It Feel To:
☆ Easily attract soul clients who love your coaching and say, "where can I sign up?"
☆ Achieve your dream income goals, start making some serious profits, and be able to grow and scale your business?
☆ Be clear and confident about your coaching niche, offer, pricing, messaging, marketing, and all aspects of your business?
☆ Be known for the coaching that you do and become the go-to coach in your niche?
☆ Have a roadmap and step-by-step action plan so you know exactly what to do without having to guess if you're moving your business in the right direction?
☆ Only get on discovery calls with people who love what you do and are ready to enroll?
☆ Be able to expand to group programs, masterminds, and online courses because you know how to attract multiple clients and have a framework for filling your programs?
☆ Show up confidently and comfortably online because you know exactly what content to post and where to post it in such a way that it connects with and attracts your soul clients without having to spend all your time online?
☆ Wake up every day excited to work on your coaching business because it feels authentic, creative, and inspired?
☆ Express your talents, passions, and expertise and do the soulful work you're meant to do?
☆ Create a true freedom-based online business that lets you make your own schedule and work from anywhere you like?
☆ Help more people with your gifts and do work that feels meaningful, purpose-driven and has a positive impact on the world?
☆ Have direct support, accountability, and personalized feedback to fast track your success and save you months and even years of trying to do it on your own?
☆ Get access to everything you need in one place rather than having to invest in multiple programs and courses to try to piece together different strategies to make it all work?
☆ Turn your business around and make it profitable and filled with soul clients in the next 90 days?
Would you like to get the exact steps, guidance, and support to attract your soul clients easily and grow your coaching business?
Soul Client
For coaches ready to get fully-booked with soul-aligned clients in 90 days, increase your impact and income, and take your business to the next level.
What makes this program special:
It's laser-focused on attracting clients and increasing your income quickly so you don't get distracted by all the shiny objects, rabbit holes, and noise of the online world that can keep you in busy mode but not grow your business.
It's simple and doable for everyone, no special tech or marketing skills required, so you can get this up and running now and don't have to piece together different strategies or try to figure out how to make them fit for your business.
It's equal parts soul and strategy! The best strategies start with YOU so you get to create your business and marketing from a place that feels aligned, inspired, and authentic so you can shine your light and get paid to be you.
It doesn't require you to spend hours and hours on social media, trying to post more and more content in the hopes that you'll get a client. Instead, you'll learn an intentional process of attracting soul clients consistently that's more reliable, sustainable, feels good and attracts more clients in less time.
You get incredible support in this program. This isn't a large group program where you get lost in the crowd and can easily hide OR an online course (that most people don't even start much less finish and have to figure out how to apply the material on their own.) Instead, you get to be part of a small, supportive community that lovingly helps you stay on track and receive lots of feedback and coaching from me on the weekly calls and in the private Facebook group.
You'll Learn How To:
Attract and enroll your soul clients so you can fill your programs easily and never again wonder, "where are the clients?"
Become a magnet for your soul clients so you're attracting the clients you're meant to work with who are eager to sign up for your coaching
Make your business consistently profitable every month because you know exactly how to attract clients in a repeatable way that lets you grow your business
Create irresistible, in-demand offers and packages that sell easily, feel aligned and have clients saying, "I need that! Where do I sign up?"
Get a clear plan and step-by-step roadmap so you know exactly what to do online to attract clients and can grow your business without spending hours on social media or working on activities that don't move the needle in your business or make it profitable
Get clear and confident about your coaching niche, message, and pricing so people instantly "get" what you do and want to sign up
Clear out any blocks, fears, or resistance that are keeping you from attracting clients and growing your business
Connect with your intuition and purpose so you can make smart, aligned decisions in your business that feel right for you
Establish a strong online presence and create the exact content that your soul clients are craving so you can stand out online and become the "go to" coach in your niche
Sell and market your coaching in a way that feels natural and enjoyable (and doesn't actually feel like selling or marketing because you're having so much fun connecting with your soul clients.)
Grow your audience so you always have an ongoing pool of new clients to fill your programs
Create a simple, streamlined process for attracting soul clients online that's doable and doesn't take a lot of time to implement
Access all of the tools, strategies, and mindset needed to confidently attract and enroll clients consistently in your business
Expand your one-on-one coaching to include groups, masterminds, circles, or online courses because you'll know how to attract many clients at the same time
Grow and scale your business in a way that feels like you and lets you enjoy a purpose-filled, freedom-based lifestyle where you get to do meaningful work that makes a positive impact on the world
You don't have to spend months or years trying to figure out how to put the pieces together on your own and make it work.
Soul Client Academy will give you everything you need to start enrolling clients now so you can get paid well for your gifts, help more people with your coaching, and grow your business in the next 90 days.
Here's What's Included:
Weekly Live Coaching Calls
Get personalized feedback, support and your questions answered while learning from others in these weekly group coaching calls (all calls are recorded so you can watch at a time that's perfect for you.)
Step-by-Step Training Modules
No more guessing or trying to piece together what to do. You'll get lifetime access to 8 in-depth video training modules that include videos, workbooks, templates, swipe files, and scripts to fully support your learning.
Private Community
Get 24-7 access to a private, members-only Facebook group to get direct coaching feedback from me, have your questions answered, and accountability along with a supportive community of your fellow coaches.
90 Days of Coaching, Training, and Support
This isn't an online course that you can tuck away and maybe get to when you have time (which doesn't usually happen.) You'll get fully seen and supported for 90 days to help fast-track and achieve your goals.
Downloadable Resources
No need to re-invent the wheel when you can save tons of time by getting access to downloadable resources that include templates, swipe files, workbooks, scripts, checklists and more that you can personalize and put into action right away.
Certificate of Completion
At the end of the program, you'll receive a digital certificate of completion to add to your coaching credentials and confidence.
You'll get lifetime access to the following modules that include videos, step-by-step action plans, workbooks, and additional resources such as templates, scripts, and checklists etc. so you'll be fully guided and supported to attract your soul clients and grow your business.
Become a Client Magnet
A successful and soulful coaching business starts with you. This module helps you get clear and confident so that you're ready to attract an abundance of soul clients now. You'll take a big picture look at the business you want to create and grow, create an aligned business model and profit plan that sets you up for success, and clear away anything that's keeping you from moving forward. You'll learn how to:
- Get clear on exactly what YOU want in your business and ensure that it aligns with your gifts, personality, lifestyle, values, and purpose
- Design your business model, goals, and profit plan so that you're working from your zone of genius and creativity and are set up for your ultimate success
- Identify and release any blocks, fears, beliefs or resistance that are keeping you from attracting clients and profits
- Connect with your successful coach identity, create a daily success practice and learn how to connect with your intuition and inspiration so that you're making decisions in your business from your highest self
Soul Clients
This module will help you get clear on who your soul clients are and how you can specifically help them by tapping into your gifts and expertise and identifying that one thing that your entire coaching business is based on. You'll clarify your niche and the one problem that your coaching solves and learn how to talk about your coaching in a way that has your soul clients raising their hands and saying, "where can I sign up?" You'll learn how to:
- Clarify your coaching gifts, strengths, and niche so you're working from your zone of genius and inspiration
- Get crystal clear on who your soul-aligned clients are and create your Soul Client Wishlist so you know exactly who to focus on
- Identify the "one thing" that your coaching offers and be able to express it clearly and with confidence
- Discover your soul client's language and messaging that connects with their hearts so you can communicate how your coaching helps and sign up clients with ease
Irresistible Coaching Packages
In this module, you'll learn how to package your genius into a highly desirable coaching package that your soul clients love. You'll discover how to communicate the value of your coaching so that people instantly "get it" and want to sign up. You'll:
- Discover the elements of a high-converting, in-demand coaching package that sells easily
- Create a coaching package that you're wildly excited about and is exactly what your soul clients are looking for
- Learn how to set prices with confidence and alignment
- Create a simple program page or document that highlights your program and helps you easily enroll clients
- Master your messaging so you can talk about your coaching with ease and confidence and attract soul clients who are ready to sign up
The Art of Making Offers
In this module, you'll learn how to make offers by presenting your coaching in such a way that soul clients are asking to sign up. You'll discover the key elements of a powerful call-to-action and create your brand story that connects with your soul clients. This module will include templates that help you enroll clients on different platforms. You'll learn how to:
- Create your personalized Soul Client Call-Out Offer that enrolls clients right away
- Master the 5-parts of a powerful call-to-action that you can use again and again to sign up clients
- Create your personalized brand or hero story that helps you instantly connect with your soul clients
- Invite clients to sign up through social media, email, video, Facebook groups and more through top converting templates that you can personalize for your own coaching
Soulful Selling
This module will show you how to take prospects from curious to happily enrolled in your coaching. You'll discover how to sell your coaching in a way that feels aligned, authentic, and enjoyable so that you're comfortable and confident selling your coaching. You'll learn how to:
- Pre-qualify applicants so you can focus your energy and attention on clients who are ready to sign up now
- Conduct powerful conversations (in-person and online) that turn strangers into paid clients
- Create your personalized process for enrolling clients into your programs again and again
Workshops & Webinars
One of the fastest and most effective ways to attract and enroll clients is to host an online video event such as a short training or content video, webinar, workshop, livestream, masterclass, circle, or journey that takes them through a specific series of steps to become clients. This module helps you create that special video that connects with your soul clients and fill up your programs. You'll:
- Learn how to host your own online workshops, webinars, circles, livestreams, and journeys that are specifically designed to turn strangers into clients immediately
- Get step-by-step instruction on the format, outline, and technology so you know exactly what to do to conduct a transformative and inspiring online event for your soul clients
- Learn about the simple 10-Client Video that helps you book multiple clients through one video
- Discover how to promote your online events so that they're filled with soul clients who are ready to sign up
Grow Your Audience
This module shows you how to build your email list and audience so that you're always growing your business, nurturing your leads, and expanding your programs with new clients. You'll:
- Learn how to grow your email list and audience quickly with a highly desirable lead magnet, or freebie, that connects instantly with your soul clients
- Discover the best practices for creating high-converting landing pages and confirmation pages so you have an ongoing pool of new clients every month
- Design an email sequence for your freebie that turns new leads into eager, committed clients
- Discover the key elements of an Online Client Journey and how you can attract clients consistently into your business
Stand Out Online
This module helps you become known for what you do, own your voice, and confidently establish your brand online. You'll learn how to become intentional about social media so it can support and grow your business without constantly needing to be online and get clear on what type of content to post so you can cut through the noise and connect with the hearts of your soul clients. You'll:
- Set up your website and social media profiles so they're optimized for clients
- Create your personalized content strategy that connects with your soul clients and lets you know what content to post and when
- Discover how to tap into your inspiration to have an endless supply of ideas for content and keep your social media feeling creative, fun, and exciting
- Learn how to strategically use content and social media to nurture leads and grow your brand
There's more...check out these bonuses:
Bonus: Private 1:1 Coaching Intensive Session
Get personally coached on the best next steps for your coaching business and map out your personalized client strategy while getting your questions answered in this powerful one-on-one coaching session that will set you up for success for the next 90 days and beyond.
Bonus: Master List of Coaching Clients
Never say, "where are the clients?" again! Get access to this comprehensive list of over 50 places you can find clients online and offline. You'll get automatic updates to this list over its lifetime, as well.
Bonus: Facebook & Instagram Ads Training
Ready to amp up your online coaching business? The fastest way to attract a lot of clients is through paid ads on Facebook and Instagram. This training module takes you through each of the steps from scratch so you can be running high converting ads and filling your programs with soul clients in no time.
Bonus: Profitable Facebook Groups
Learn the exact steps for creating and running your own profitable Facebook Group to grow your audience and build relationships with your potential clients. Discover how to connect, share content, and establish yourself as a leader in your niche so you have an ongoing, growing community of leads and new soul clients.
How to Enroll
Choose between TWO options depending on the level of support you'd like.
The first option includes the full academy and group coaching experience; the second option includes an extra level of personal support with VIP private coaching.
You can also choose between the pay-in-full discount or the payment plan for either option.
Group Coaching Experience
Regular price: $1,997
Early Bird Discount: $997
(or three monthly payments of $357)
VIP one-on-one And Group coaching experience
* Five three spots remainingRegular price: $3,997
Early Bird Discount: $2,997
(or three monthly payments of $1,027)
* This option is perfect for the coach who would like more one-on-one personalized coaching, individual support, and feedback to fast-track your results in addition to the benefits of the academy and group coaching.
From stuck to selling out her first group coaching program
"Before I started working with Lauren, I felt like I was just spinning my wheels in my business and not getting any traction. I knew everything I was supposed to be doing but I was stagnant, frustrated and not getting anywhere! Since working with Lauren, not only did I sign on a handful of private clients as soon as we started working together, but most excitingly, I successfully launched my first online group program. This was something I had always wanted to do but was hesitant and unsure about for so many reasons. Now I can actually see how much traction I’ve made, how much my audience has grown and I’m thrilled with what I have accomplished. If you’re feeling stagnant or unclear about where to go or what to do with your business, and you’re ready to make some serious momentum, I highly recommend working with Lauren."
Usha Rose, Sacred Sex Educator and Intimacy Coach, Nevada City, CA, USA
Enrolled five clients within a few weeks of starting her coaching business
"It was truly a gift and pleasure to be trained by Lauren. With her knowledge through the videos/modules, expertise & experience along with her wonderful coaching, I learned quickly – enough to launch my own business faster than I imagined. Within just a few weeks, I was able to begin working with paid clients! She is a constant encourager and positive light. I highly recommend her!"
Marcy Kraft, Life Coach, Winter Garden, FL, USA
How would it feel if you didn't have to force, stress or hustle to attract clients and grow your business?
What if, instead, you had access to the soulful strategies that let you connect authentically with the hearts of your soul-aligned clients and fill your programs easily?
Who is this program for?
How much time will I need each week to commit to this program?
When does the program start?
Can I really get fully-booked in 90 days?
What if I'm not sure if I have the right coaching niche, offer etc? Should I wait to figure that out before enrolling?
Will there be additional costs in addition to this program?
I've signed up for programs in the past and didn't get the results I wanted. How will this program be different?
Do I need to have a coaching certification or any credentials to take this program?
How do I apply or find out more information?
I have something coming up (vacation, family event, it's a busy time etc.) Should I enroll now or wait until it's a better time?
Will this work for my niche or area of expertise?
How good do I need to be at anything techie, marketing, etc? Will this get complicated?
Should I invest in my coaching business when I'm not making money?
What do I need to be eligible to take this program?
I've already done some of this work before. Will it just be a repeat?
I already know my niche and have a coaching offer. Does this mean I can skip these parts?
Do I need to have website, social media, a large following or anything else set up?
What if I can't make the coaching calls?
I'm not sure if this program is right for me. Can I contact you with questions?
I loved being coached by Lauren for so many reasons, some related to her deep compassion and others because she really knows her stuff about online marketing for coaches. As a coach with a successful coaching business, I’ve had a strong desire to start broadening my market through the online world, but, the thought of trying to take my business into the online world felt overwhelming. Lauren’s zone of genius lies in that world. Coupled with her passion, thoughtfulness, and excitement for coaching, Lauren takes that online world and brings it to you in a way that is comprehensive and doable. I felt completely held and supported in the coaching process with Lauren. She’s amazing, and, I highly recommend her.
Cynthia Santiago-Borbon - Confidence & Success Coach, New York, NY
Working with Lauren has been such an empowering experience! She’s intuitive, supportive, pragmatic and fun! I wish I had known that creating my own business would be so creative and satisfying – I would have done it a long time ago. (Of course, I had no idea how to do it before. That’s where Lauren comes in.) What made the biggest difference for me was how supported I felt throughout the process. Working with Lauren was like having a guide walking beside me all the way, keeping me on track, providing encouragement and inspiration. She really wants to see her clients succeed, and it shows in her care and attention. She’s amazing!
Lee Manale - Integrative Wellness Coach, Pooler, GA, USA
Being coached by Lauren has been one of the most amazing, inspiring, and empowering experiences I’ve ever received from a coach. She helped strengthen my emotional and mental confidence to grow as a self-employed business owner. I love her compassion and uplifting spirit, which helped get me through many obstacles that came my way. Today, I'm pressing on in my business and she's been in my corner as a supporting pillar. I’d recommend Lauren to anyone who’s trying to start a business, and need the tools, and encouragement to move forward with their passion in life.
Letasha Howe - Holistic Transformation Coach, Boston, MA, USA
Working with Lauren has been a game changer! Lauren knows her stuff, she’s beyond knowledgable in every area from mindset blocks to funnel blocks. Lauren’s energy is amazing, just being in her presence is a pick me up!! I’m so grateful to have found her!
Lea Jane - Business & Mindset Coach, Vancouver, BC, Canada
The depth of Lauren’s coaching has been an amazing asset to me . Because of Lauren's extensive marketing knowledge, I was able to create an amazing lead magnet and run Facebook ads creating an email list of nearly 1,000 subscribers quickly ! Her expertise extends to a number of lead generation areas, too, and she coached me through my first workshop and bringing on my first three paying clients! Even more, Lauren has pushed me to be visible, be open, and be present online. This is extremely hard for me. I feel so much more confident in who I am and what I am here to do. Thank you Lauren for everything! I appreciate the guidance, the encouragement, and the kick in the pants when needed!
Traci Joseph - Keto Lifestyle Coach, Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Lauren is a fabulous coach! She brings to the table such genuine warmth, creativity, compassion and caring to her clients. She works so well at helping to come up with creative and resourceful ways to identify the problem and find solutions. She is able to provide honest feedback and insight into whatever the question is at hand and handles her clients with the utmost care and concern. I have so appreciated working with Lauren and would highly recommend her!
Peggy Galdamez - Health & Wellness Coach, San Jose, CA, USA
Working with Lauren has been such a joy. Our weekly sessions have kept me so on track and each session has fired me up to keep moving towards my business and personal goals with focus and tenacity. Lauren has a wonderful warm empathetic energy and a natural ability to hold a space for me to process, which has been so helpful in me gaining greater clarity and awareness. Her support has been, and continues to be, invaluable.
Chloe Gold - Lifestyle & Career Coach, London, England
Lauren helped me take a business that was just an idea and transform it into something real. I had pieces of my business but working with Lauren helped me put things together and decipher what was important from what was fluff. My systems are set up, my niche is worked out and I feel that I have a solid foundation for success. Everytime we spoke it was like I got so much accomplished or figured out. I am so grateful that I made the choice to move my business to the next level. Everything is one step at a time. Lauren helped me take those steps. Thank you so much!
Jamika Hobbs- Prosperity & Manifestation Coach, Kansas City, MO, USA
I am so glad that I decided to work with Lauren. She helped me get my life coaching business up and running. Not only did Lauren help me professionally but she helped me personally as well. She encouraged me to work harder when I was stuck and she knew when to step back and let me figure things out on my own; all the while providing support and guidance. The support she provided in between sessions was greatly appreciated. If I had not decided to work with Lauren, my coaching business would still be sitting idle. Lauren is a wonderful coach and I would highly recommend her to anyone who is considering an online coaching business.
Doreen Landolfi - Holistic Midlife Transformation Coach, Hudson Valley, NY
Lauren has helped me make my coaching dream come true!! I appreciated Lauren’s ability to hold me accountable for completing items in a positive way and slowing down to explore why I was running into a few stumbling blocks along the way. She demonstrated what a great coach needs to do and be aware of. Lauren’s inspiration and knowledge are sure to help you create a thriving coaching business as well!
Laura McFadden - Executive Coach/Consultant, Greeley, CO, USA
Lauren is a joy to work with! She showed me how easy it would be to package my coaching services and build a brand that is uniquely me. Her warm style made me feel like she understood my challenges, and her enthusiasm for helping me build my business was just what I needed. It was well worth the investment of time and money to gain some of Lauren's expertise and learn from her experience.
Stacy Cooper - Life Coach, Kennebunk, Maine, USA
How would it change your business and life if you knew exactly what to do to attract your soul clients easily, fill your programs, and grow your business in the next 90 days?
Lauren Lapointe
is an International Business and Marketing Strategist for Coaches who took the leap several years ago to leave the corporate world and her cushy corner office behind to work for herself.
Now she runs her own successful online business where she's more than tripled her former corporate salary and specializes in offering coaching and online programs and has served over 12,000 students and clients around the world for the last six years.
Her mission is to give you the clarity, tools, strategy, confidence, marketing and business smarts to turn your talents and expertise into a successful and thriving online business that you love.
She's committed to diversity, social justice, and equality and believes that all voices are needed in the coaching world.
Although she grew up in Canada, she now lives in the Southeastern USA with her husband and an undisclosed number of cats. Chocolate is usually nearby.
There's never been a better time for your online coaching business.
The world as we know it has shifted and now, more than ever, people are craving the changes, transformations, and personalized support that coaches offer.
If you're ready to do your soul work in a bigger way, say "yes" to the coaching business of your dreams so you can change not just your life for the better -- but others, as well, and have a positive and meaningful impact on the world.
This program is for you if:
Are you ready for soul clients and a profitable, thriving online coaching business that you love?
Don't let the weeks, months, or years go by without doing your soul work.
Come and join us inside Soul Client Academy today and let's get started.
The only thing you need is to say "yes" to yourself and your coaching business.
I look forward to seeing you there!
~ Lauren
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